TripleTen experts
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What can be better than loving what you do?

Our Data Analyst graduate Danny Karasik used to be an officer in the army and an Occupational Health specialist, but sometime ago, he realized his future actually lay elsewhere: in Data.

Now Danny's an Algorithm Data Analyst at Mobileye — a job he got by being persistent and not giving up on his dreams. And we couldn’t be more proud.

Here’s Danny’s full TripleTen story.

Health -> Data

Danny used to be an officer in the army.

"I was an officer in the army. I studied Biology through the Academic Reserve (עתודה אקדמית) program and was assigned to work in Occupational Health. I thought my future lay in that field, so I completed a master's degree."

At some point, he realized he didn’t have enough interest in the field to continue working in it all his life. ‘’I decided I needed a change. I consulted with many people on what they think would suit me best, and refined it. I realized I love working with large amounts of data, drawing meaningful and actionable conclusions, and communicating them to decision-makers. Thus, I decided that becoming a Data Analyst would suit me,’’ shares our grad.

That’s why he enrolled in the TripleTen Data Analyst program.

Tech journey in its best

A complete and thorough set of tools that Danny received at TripleTen, became a wonderful basis for him to rely on and grow from.

This allowed our grad to overcome challenges in his first job in the field and even introduce technologies that hadn’t been used before.

The most enjoyable part of the program for Danny was the sprint on Data Visualization. This segment best represented the artistic sense required in this field to communicate findings clearly, precisely, and in an aesthetically pleasing way.

At the start, Danny was concerned about the timeline for each sprint, though.

“I later realized I didn’t need to worry at all because the deadlines weren’t set in stone. There were people on the other side, in TripleTen's team, whose goal was my success,” our graduate shares.

Other difficulties he faced were related to the material itself in some of the most challenging sprints. ‘’But I always felt I had someone to ask for help, and there were recordings with explanations that were always available. These made overcoming the challenges much easier,’’ admits Danny.

A career to be proud of

Danny is now working as an Algorithm Data Analyst at Mobileye.

“I found a job while in the middle of the course. But I received a LOT of ‘no’ responses. Once, I even made it to the final interview after passing five (!) earlier rounds, only to be told they preferred someone a little more experienced. The hardest part is not giving up after all those ‘no’s, and remembering you only need one ‘yes’ to get that first chance,” says TripleTen’s grad.

When asked about skills that helped him land his job, Danny names determination — one should never give up, should find strength to come to each interview as if it's a new, fresh chapter in a book.

‘’I'd also name self confidence — know that you are worthy, and show it to the world — do projects, make connections, and be sure to reflect it in the interview too. And last, I'd name focus — it is easy to lose sight while doing a thorough work, and especially if you have other commitments in your daily life that require attending to. This might require careful time planning and management, which are also skills required in every job in this field, If you have them, go for it! If you don't, work on improving them!’’ shares Danny.

Explore the TripleTen’s programs and take the first step toward your own tech future.

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