TripleTen experts
Balancing childcare and work wasn't easy, but the flexibility of the bootcamp helped me manage
Keren Katzav
TripleTen graduate, Data Analyst at Tel Aviv Medical Center
TripleTen.Coding Bootcamps

Motivation is king! 

Keren Katzav, a TripleTen graduate who now works as a Data Analyst at Tel Aviv Medical Center (Ichilov), completed her studies and found a tech position that suits her perfectly while managing a full-time job in recruitment and taking care of a little child. 

Here’s her story, nothing short of inspiring.

Entering the Data World

"Being in the recruitment field for a while, I realized it didn't interest me much anymore, and I wasn't fulfilling my potential. I became captivated by tech roles instead, spoke with professionals from various fields, and decided to switch to data.

After returning from maternity leave, I enrolled in studies at TripleTen. Balancing childcare and work wasn't easy, but the flexibility of the bootcamp helped me manage. 

The program is mostly self-paced, and tasks can be completed on each student’s own schedule; for me, it was evenings and weekends.

My daily routine was working in the morning, spending afternoons with my child, and studying from 19:00 to 23:00-00:00."

Aims and Challenges

"Before starting my studies, I had many concerns.

  • I’m from recruitment. Is this field even suitable for me?
  • I'm 31 with a small child. Is it really the right time for a change?
  • I have bachelor's and master's degrees in another field. Is it a waste to throw away 5 years of education?

Then my spouse told me two things:

  • 'It's better to start late than never' (and at 31, it's not late at all; women switch careers even at 50).
  • 'You're not alone; I’m here, and I’ll take care of our child. It's our success.'

These words gave me the strength to pursue my dream and boost my motivation. 

I realized there's nothing I can't do; it might be hard, I might need to learn a bit more than others, but eventually, I'll be able to write that code or use that specific tool we learned."

What kept me driven and empowered was always remembering why I was doing this: to enter a new field that interests and challenges me greatly.

The Job Search

"The bootcamp instructors and tutors were very supportive. At the end of the program, I was assigned a mentor named Rinat who helped me a lot — both emotionally during the job search and in refining my resume, providing interview tips, and more.

For every job I saw on LinkedIn, I searched within my extended circle of friends and family to see if anyone worked there — and submitted my resume through them. Additionally, I have friends who knew about my career change to the data field. They kept an eye out for me and sent me job offers they found.

The job search process was long and challenging nevertheless. I had many fears about starting my first job in the field; I didn't believe I would succeed.

Recently, though, I started working as a Data Analyst at Ichilov, landing this position through a friend who works in the recruitment field and recommended me for the job."

I’m now motivated more than ever to grow in this field and use my skills to the fullest!

Explore the TripleTen’s programs and take the first step toward your own tech future.

Keren Katzav
TripleTen graduate, Data Analyst at Tel Aviv Medical Center
Balancing childcare and work wasn't easy, but the flexibility of the bootcamp helped me manage