QA Tester

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Challenge level
Data Analyst
7 months
₪ 20,990
Your future job
Data Analyst / Business Analyst / Product Analyst / IT System Analyst / Data Analyst Consultant / Marketing Analyst
Python, Jupyter Notebook, SQL, PostgreSQL, Tableau, A/B tests, VSCode, Pandas, Dash
Average Data Analyst salary — ₪ 13,000
Challenge level
QA Tester
5 months
₪ 13,990
Your future job
QA Tester / Manual QA / Test Engineer / QA Analyst
DevTools, Charles, Figma, Android Studio, Postman, JavaScript, JSON, XML/XSD, SQL, Cygwin/Terminal, Apidoc/Swagger
Average QA Tester salary — ₪ 11,000
Challenge level
Full Stack Developer
9 months
₪ 24,990
Your future job
Frontend Developer / Software Engineer
HTML, CSS, GitHub, React, JavaScript, TypeScript, Cypress, Jest, Redux, Webpack
Average graduates salary — ₪ 21,000
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