TripleTen experts
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  1. Add your TripleTen certificate to the “Education” section

Upon graduation from TripleTen, you’ll receive your coveted Full Stack Developer/Data Analyst/QA Tester certificate. To add this to your LinkedIn profile, follow the following steps:

  • Go to your LinkedIn page and click “Start a post.”
  • To share your experience you can write something like this:
  • 👉🏽 Just finished the Full Stack Developer/Data Analyst/QA Tester program at TripleTen bootcamp. Within [x] months I mastered <...> skills, and built a portfolio of # projects. Check out my portfolio here — GitHub link.
  • Tag TripleTen Israel, so that our team can see it and help you celebrate.
  • Update your education section and add the certificate to the “Licenses & Certification” field (on your personal page “Add Profile Section”)
  1. Fill up your description

Your LinkedIn description gives you 2,600 characters to let employers know a bit more about who you are and what you’ve already done, but you shouldn’t need that many words. Aim to write a couple of paragraphs about your previous experience and what you’re looking for. Remember that only the first 4 lines are immediately visible on your profile so add the most important information first.

  1. Write a post about what you learned during the TripleTen course

Tell employers all about the skills you gained during your 7/10 months with TripleTen. Here’s some inspiration from one of our recent graduates:

  1. Share work from your TripleTen portfolio in your feed

LinkedIn is definitely the place to show off that impressive coding project you took on! Add a link to your project in your feed. You can even pin it to the top of your profile. Take a look at how this TripleTen graduate did it:

  1. Add relevant connections

Like any social media, the more you grow your network, the better your chances of being noticed. On LinkedIn, your goal should be to make at least 500 connections. Don’t be shy: try connecting with the HR teams of the companies you dream of working at. And with 5,000+ TripleTen graduates out there, you can easily grow your network by connecting with your fellow grads.

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